How Fintechs Can Maximise Content ROI with Repurposing

The explosion of data in today’s digital landscape is staggering. The amount of data generated annually has grown significantly over the past decade, with a whopping 90% of the world’s data being generated in the last two years alone, according to Statista’s latest estimates. Amidst this constant flood of information, modern marketers face a pressing need to keep their brands relevant and often find themselves trapped in a relentless content creation hamster wheel.

This is especially prevalent in the fast-paced world of fintech, where staying ahead often becomes the primary focus.

The pursuit of fresh content thus tends to overshadow the enormous potential of repurposing what’s already there and making the most of it.

Understanding the potential of content repurposing in fintech

Imagine a scenario: You’ve written an in-depth content piece on the evolution of blockchain technology in banking. It garners a decent amount of views and engagement in the first week. But what next? Does it merely fade into the depths of your content archive? This is where repurposing comes into play. Instead of letting valuable content lose its luster over time, fintechs can revive, recycle, and repackage it for diverse platforms, mediums, and audiences.

Getting the most mileage or return on investment (ROI) out of your content can be achieved with repurposing or recycling. Before we delve further into the benefits of content repurposing, let’s look at what it actually means.

Content repurposing or recycling is simply the process of taking a single piece of content like a blog or an ebook, extracting the key messages or dissecting it into multiple individual elements, and transforming these into brand-new assets for re-distributing via various platforms and mediums.

Below, we’ve highlighted the 5 key ways content repurposing can help a fintech:

  1. Increase reach: Different people prefer different formats. While some might engage with your blog post, others might prefer a video or an infographic. By repurposing your content in different formats, you’re more likely to reach and engage a wider audience.
  2. Improve SEO: When you repurpose content and distribute it on various platforms, you create more opportunities for backlinks and increase the visibility of your content. This can boost your website’s search engine rankings.
  3. Reinforce message: Repetition can help reinforce your message. By presenting your content in different formats across various platforms, you can ensure your audience understands your key messages.
  4. Exploit successful content: If a piece of content was successful in one format, it’s likely to be successful in others. Repurposing allows you to capitalise on the success of your best content.
  5. Increase engagement: Different types of content might spark different types of engagement. Some users are more likely to share videos, while others might prefer to comment on a text post. By repurposing your content, you can foster a more diverse array of engagements.

The challenges of content repurposing

Whilst the benefits of content repurposing are pretty self-explanatory and most marketers nowadays recognise its potential, it is still considered to be one of the most neglected best practices out there. But why is that?

Because like many other marketing activities, it’s often easier said than done due to:

  • Resource limitation: According to DemandSage’s latest research, a startling 35% of businesses out there don’t have specialised content marketing teams. For fintechs, especially in the B2B space, this percentage is likely higher. With marketing professionals donning multiple hats and budgets shrinking, repurposing often takes a backseat.
  • Planning deficit and inconsistency: Without a well-defined content marketing strategy, repurposing remains a sporadic effort rather than a consistent initiative. As per DemandSage’s study, only 40% of B2B firms for example have a documented content marketing plan. We’ve also seen way too many plans being left behind and ignored. Especially at early-stage startups where marketing teams are often forced to sporadically jump from one task to another to meet the ever-growing management and sales demands making it extremely hard to be consistent and stick to a proper plan and strategy.
  • Creativity crunch: Recycling requires a creative mindset to be able to spot all the potential catchers and elements in your content that are worth repurposing. But let’s face it, not all marketers out there have that creativity.

6 easy steps to kick start your fintech’s content repurposing engine

Despite the challenges mentioned in the previous section, fintechs can redefine their content marketing with our tried and tested 6-step content repurposing model including:

Step 1) Run a content audit

This involves reviewing and making a catalog of all your existing content while identifying your most successful and engaging content. To do this, look at your website analytics, social media engagement metrics, and any other data sources you have.

Then, identify content that can be easily repurposed. Evergreen content, in-depth articles, educational materials, whitepapers, eBooks, videos, podcasts, webinars and product collateral can all be great candidates for repurposing.

Step 2) Examine and choose distribution channels

This step includes analysing the performance of your own and competitors’ content on various distribution platforms and understanding what formats work best on each channel. Making note of all relevant/potential formats for the different mediums — e.g. for LinkedIn, we can do a plain text post, video post, slideshow/carousel, document upload, an image post, a poll, an event, or a hiring post — can also help you spot any new untapped content formats opportunities.

Step 3) Create a content calendar

This is simply creating a plan of when and where you will publish your repurposed content. When building your calendar, you should also consider the best time to post on each platform and ensure a diverse mix of content types and topics to maximise and maintain engagement. To create the calendar, you can use a project management app like Airtable or Monday, or a simple Google Sheet.

Step 4) Repurpose the content and create the new assets

Once you’ve created your content calendar or planner, you can move on to the actual repurposing and production of the new content pieces. To facilitate and speed up the process, we recommend you follow a standard repurposing checklist for each type of content. Here, you can also leverage AI copy-generating tools like, Chat.GPT and Jasper AI. And we also recommend you to try use attractive visuals where possible to capture your audience’s attention. For this, you can use creative tools like Canva, Visme, or Adobe Premiere. But make sure you stay consistent and on-brand so you can build a strong professional brand image.

Step 5) Distribute your repurposed content

To optimise the distribution of your repurposed content, you might consider using dedicated content scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Buffer.

Step 6) Track and monitor

The last step of the process is tracking and monitoring your repurposed content performance to gauge what resonates with your audience, and continuously iterate and refine the strategy. Three key metrics to track are audience growth, level of engagement, and leads. For tracking, you can use social channels’ built-in analytics or Google Analytics.

Successful repurposing in action: A fintech example

Consider a fintech startup that launched a successful webinar on ’The Future of Peer-to-Peer Payments’. Here’s how they could repurpose it:

  • Blog series: Divide the webinar content into a series of detailed blogs, each tackling a specific aspect like technology, security, global trends, etc.
  • Infographics: Extract key statistics and insights and represent them visually.
  • Podcasts: Invite experts from the webinar for short podcast sessions, expanding on specific points of discussion.
  • Social media: Create bite-sized videos, quotes, and insights from the webinar for daily posts.
  • Newsletters: Share the repurposed content periodically with subscribers, ensuring continuous engagement.

Here’s another example of how we’ve repurposed BestEx’s recent blog on “Designing Optimal Implementation Shortfall Algorithms with the BestEx Research Adaptive Optimal (IS) Framework” for re-distributing on social media:

  • he listicle was turned into a quick PDF guide/Slideshare on “6 ways BestEx’s new Adaptive Optimal (IS) can help traders and providers improve their order flow” 
  • A key message and stat were transformed into infographics


Content repurposing, while seemingly daunting, offers fintechs a unique opportunity to maximise their content marketing ROI without reinventing the wheel. By building a systematic repurposing strategy, fintechs can ensure that their valuable content receives the attention it deserves and continues to serve its purpose long after its initial release.

Looking to start your repurposing journey right away? We recently launched a new social content recycling solution for fintechs with limited or no capacity. Learn more here

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